Monday, October 13, 2008

Focusing in the Change Process

Wintergreen, VA

As soon as the weather turns cold, our thoughts turn toward change. The mountains begin to display the glorious colors of fall and we begin to anticipate and wait for the change. We readily make plans to be in the midst of the change so we can see it up close and personal. Now, juxtapose this with our own life change process.

Is there any anticipation of true change?

Is there willingness to wait for "peak" conditions?

Do we position ourselves to embrace change or to prevent it?

We try to prevent it and typically have our feet planted in the ground with much angst, forcefully pushing against change in the opposite direction. Sweating from exertion and hardly able to breathe, we relent and change only because we can no longer resist it. The pain of not changing becomes greater than the pain of keeping things in line with the status quo.

We lean towards not welcoming or anticipating change with the mindset of the beauty it produces. We tend to focus on the pain that's involved in the change process. We lose sight, if we ever had it to begin with, that change roots out things that must go so that new things can come.

It's not quite the glorious change of color that we might otherwise produce in our lives if we went with the flow and rhythym of transformation.

What new things might develop today if we were to allow change a natural path to weave through our lives?

I would love to hear your answer...would you be kind enough to post?

1 comment:

20-something said...



(these are some of the exact thoughts i've had going through my head today and was gonna post about later.)