Monday, October 6, 2008

We're Ready

Sometimes change is desired and sought after. And, in the case of our miniature schnauzer family, we've sought change. We're bringing Newton da Vinci home in two weeks and he will bring much change with him.

But, we're ready.

We've prepared for him. We've done the logistics and bought the supplies.
We're ready.

But, with a puppy, we know there are changes coming that we have no way of preparing for. We just brace ourselves for a period of time when there will be puppy whining, biting, chewing, no sleep, constant watch over each move the puppy makes, and not being able to leave the puppy home alone for longer than an hour.

Those are the changes that require flexibility.

Those are the times when vision must look past the immediate circumstance and pain of change into the future at what will be...despite what is.

Change is good.

We're ready.


2 Babes in Boyland said...

OH, Denise, he is SO sweet!!!I know you must be VERY excited!!

Unknown said...

Oh. My. GOSH! Look at that FACE!!! He is REALLY developing a look . . .oh, I know you say yer ready . . .but, {cough, cough}


(I think you're in love!)