Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Post-Travel Mania Distress

I'm home sweet home. It feels good. I begin to perch into my favorite spot on the sofa and stretch like a contented cat when all of a sudden...

panic hits!

I'm still on some type of West Coast time so by the time I even get out of bed I'm behind. 3 hours behind.

My internal clock says it's 9am but my real-to-the-moment clock says it's noon already. I look at my iTouch calendar to see how today will roll and

panic hits!

Not only am I slammed jammed with fun today but tomorrow and the next day as well.

How did this happen? Did I really not prepare for a rest before engaging in full on hometown life?


I gotta get moving.


20-something said...

but doesn't that happen after a return home every trip.. ?!

love ya and can't wait to see you!!!

~ Denise ~ said...

ha! you know me well, chickie! ;0 my own defense, I forgot about the time adjustment. lol

Unknown said...

Your adoring fans need you! want you! shout your name!!

(hey! at least they aren't stalkers!) LOL