Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I used to despise them; my freckles, that is.  They were the source of much angst in my middle school years as my peers found them to be funny and a source of pokes and jokes at my expense. As I looked in the mirror at my own reflection then, I saw the little sun-kissed spots that danced across my cheeks and determined them to be my arch nemesis.  I secretly ached and longed for a spot free, peaches & cream kind of facial landscape.

Then, as I emerged into my teenage years, I became friends with my face.  I no longer saw my freckles as detestable but I think I grew to ignore them.  I chose heavy makeup and concealer to daily deny that there was anything but a smooth, non-spotted face.

My 20's and early 30's were filled with family business and I gave way to being at peace with my freckles. I had accepted the fact that they were here to stay.  They loved living on me and so I decided to embrace them.  I chose to like my freckles.

Easing out of my 30's and into my 40's I suddenly became more aware of my skin and its quirkiness.  I looked around and concluded that women with freckles look younger than women without them.  I fell in love with my freckles!

My recent trip to the dermatologist gave me an even better boost as she exclaimed, "Your skin looks fantastic for your age!"  And then she began to talk about changing my skin care system and move towards using preventative aging products.  

Ha! And she said my skin looked good.  Hmmmph!

Ok, to make a long story short, I walked out of her office with a bag full of goodies all designed to plump up my skin and prevent it from sagging and to brighten my skin tone.  

Brighten = no more freckles.  (One of the products will fade my freckles a bit.)

I'm sad.  I mean, I've finally come to enjoy and revel in my freckles and now I paid for, and will use,  a product that will lessen their intensity and beauty.   

Isn't that just like life, though?  You come to a place of choice, acceptance & appreciation for something and then BAM! ... it changes.

Life.  What a change! ;)

***   ***   ***

And, in the midst of my day, I received a Lovely Blog award.  Laura Jayne was so lovely to send me this kind gift.  

I visit a lot of blogs and have chosen a few that I think are lovely and are deserving of the award as well.  Be lovely, would you, and check out these lovely sights? ;)

Aimee is a lovely, funny and gifted writer at New to Farm Life.

Angi is a lovely friend and blogger extraordinaire at Choice Central.

A new, I don't know her name but she's writes lovely and has a Miniature Schnauzer at Minnesota Transplant's Blog.

Lovely, aren't they?


Heather said...

Hi there ;o).

I ALWAYS admired those girls with freckles because I had "not a one" on my face. I loved them. Ask my oldest son...somehow, he has managed to have freckles across his nose and at the top part of his cheeks...and mommy is always telling him how much she loves his freckles.

Another special characteristic that he has, that I've always admired on his wonderful dimples.

Both, I do not have; although as I get older I have found a few freckles but I think that they're more apt to be age spots ;o)...I'll go with that.

♥ to you today, Denise.

Aimee said...

Thank you for the award, Denise, that makes me feel great! And I'd also like to come down on the side of freckle lovers. There was a girl in my school who had the kind of freckles you seldom see: heavy, intense freckles all over the face and arms. She also had bright green eyes and that gorgeous Bright, Irish-red hair that is so rarely natural. Lots of kids teased her for her freckles, and I'm sure she hated them with a passion, but I secretly envied her.

Killerwit said...

Just wanted to pop in and tell you that I thought your 60-sec contibution today was tops.

~ Denise ~ said...

Simply Heather - I didn't consider that my "freckles" might just be age spots. lol ;) Thanks for stopping by!

Aimee - I went to school with a girl who had similar characteristics of the girl you described. I didn't want her "dark" freckles. Mine look more like a cookie - a Pecan Sandie to be exact. lol ;)

Killerwit - Thanks so much, I'm really flattered!