Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Trek: Day Six in Wichita Falls, TX

The beauty of Texas and the variety of sights made driving across the massive state very enjoyable and quite entertaining.  Some sights were expected:  small working oil wells scattered across acres of flat and dry land, bulls with strong horns that curled upward from their faces as they grazed on sparse vegetation and the many roads that seemed to have no destination at all but collided with the horizon at some unknown point as they disappeared.

Other sights, however, were totally unexpected and took me by surprise:  cotton fields blanketed in white waiting to be harvested and other fields that were just harvested with bales upon bales of bundled up white towers scattered the area, wind turbines that spun rapidly in a juxtaposed position of eco-friendliness against the more well-known oil rigs and the most beautiful wide open sky that seemed to span forever as it danced with different colors and shapes.

Tumbleweeds proved to be vicious as they made their way across the highway with veritable force from the non-stop wind.  And, then....

In the end, Mr. Smart Guy had one of the thorns plucked out and we journeyed down the road without further incident.   ;)


Unknown said...


Who knew?? Who expected??

A bramble bush??


It's a TUMBLEWEED for pete's sake!!



Aimee said...

what a beautiful picture at top. sunrise?

~ Denise ~ said...

It was actually at sunset and the picture hardly does the scene any justice. It was overwhelmingly beautiful! ;)