Friday, March 13, 2009

The Day

The alarm went off and I quickly but peacefully silenced it.  Nonplussed by it, I went back to a blissful sleep only to wake up thirty minutes later to the panicking realization I had to be somewhere important in less than an hour. Then, I suddenly heard my internal voice giving loud commands to my external and almost non-cooperative body.

hurry up

get in the shower

wait, we need coffee first!

hurry up

I dashed into the shower and started my morning routine through a foggy, semi-coherent state. One peek out the bedroom window to assess the weather and....


Not only is there an inch of snow on the ground but it was still snowing!  Oh, no!  Doesn't the universe know that today is THE DAY.  sheesh!  Then my internal voice started spitting out sentence fragments with a frenzied rhythm.

hurry up

extra time for snow removal

today is THE DAY!

extra time to warm up the car

today is THE DAY!

where is our coffee??

hurry up

I gathered myself as best I could, donned my coat and with no more time to spare, I ventured outside.

Today is THE DAY!

I am "street-legal" official day to drive and meet with my neurologist who stylishly sports snakeskin boots and plays loud rock music in the operating room.  

All systems checked and approved.  

I am free to move about the earth in my Volvo.



Kevin Stone said...

Glad to see that you are getting back to some form of normalicy. My pogo screen name is firedriver73 yeah look for me. I am there from time to time.

Karen said...

good for you!! sorry it's snowing on ya though....we're ready for some spring!!

20-something said...

ha, thats great!

EveryoneThinksThey'reGoodDrivers said...

Glad to hear your life is getting back to normal, although I am in late to find out what happened.

Snow, it IS a four letter word this time of year.

Ms. Tee said...

I'm glad that you are getting to drive, too! Hope you enjoy your day out. :)

Unknown said...

street legal you say??

hmmmm . . .

*so glad* Johnny Law lays low sometimees . . .
