Monday, March 30, 2009

In This World

Monumental things are breaking around my house at warp speed and, unfortunately, there’s not much I can do about it but add more to-do items to the task list that I’m already frantically trying to finish before I leave for the West Coast.  I even adopted a new code phrase that speaks volumes about what’s happening around me, “garage door”.  The code emerged from a dire situation the other day and is indicative of the pace I’m running around here.  I was leaving the house and closed the automatic garage door that … well, was not so much automatic anymore and did nothing when I pressed the button. 

AaRrrghghh!!! Garage door!!

I growled, exasperated, because it wasn’t so much that something else broke or needed attention but more that it would take so much more energy and phone calls and appointments to get it fixed.  And…..I’m running out of time!! 

And then, just when this huge amount of pressure began to mount in my chest and my breathing began to simulate a chick in labor…I had a startling and not-so-great revelation.  

I have been acting as though I am entitled to a day without frustration or opposition or challenge.  I have been caught up in my own whirlwind of need and letting childlike temper tantrums erupt when things don't go my way.  

I can’t help but wonder when did this entitlement attitude creep into my being because I know better! I know this... 

 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  John 16:17 NIV

So, as I was contemplating my response to my to-do list, I had a nature-friend come visit me on the windshield as I drove. 

...and, I was reminded to gaze upon the beauty and newness that each day brings.

In this world, garage doors will break, glasses will be sat on and electronic things won't work when you really, really need them to.  It's part of the plan, I guess.  How else did Jesus know to tell us that we will have trouble?  How else would he know we would need encouragement when we faced trouble?  

So, take heart with me, my friends, we know one who has overcome the world.

... and don't forget to breathe normally. lol ;)


Heather said...

You're in His Will right now, even with broken things, Denise...and you know it. You're going to PTL when I say this to you...this verse was the topic of yesterday's service at Church. You're message here is similar to what I was just about to write when I came into my blog and saw your update. I'm sharing what The Lord told me yesterday...but I'll tell you what, isn't it the most awesome feeling to have when He says...even in these broken times, especially in these broken times "I am with you and You ARE on the path, in this very moment, on the journey that you are suppose to be on. You ARE in My Will, right now."?

~Praising Him with you today!

Erin said...

Dang. I'm so going through this right now. I'm in the Must Fix Everything mode of moving. I'm feeling the pressure.

Hang in there!

Unknown said...

Oh, what a GREAT connection! Entitlement.

Isn't that just how [we] tend to act. Great food for thought, my friend.

After all, my garage door just broke . . .


Ms. Tee said...

What a very good post. And I love the "don't forget to breathe" :)