Monday, March 9, 2009

Sweet Savings

The economy is hitting hard and most of us are tightening up the purse strings or briefcase strings or wallet strings or money jar lids or piggy bank slots.  I'm still scouring around looking for ways to reduce expenses.  So far, I've come up with a few things I vow to start doing and thought I would share them with you just in case you were interested.  Are you reducing expenses, too?  Please leave me at least one tip, or more if you have them, that you are currently employing to save money. 
  • Cancelling satellite tv (as soon as The Biggest Loser season is over)
  • Making my own laundry detergent (as soon as I can drive and get to the store for ingredients)
  • Doing away with dryer sheets (replacing them with vinegar rinse in the wash)
  • Not getting professional manicures and pedicures (in progress)
  • Will start cooking more at home (in progress)
  • Switched from body wash to bar soap (in progress)
  • Experimenting with store brand products (in progress)
Ok, what about you? ;)


Anonymous said...

from Gloria -So glad you bought this up...

* Homemade foods (I'm always cooking at home - save a lot of money)

* Join a credit union (saves on high end fees through a regular bank)

* Re-use dryer sheets (you'd be surprised that you can use them at least 2-3 times)

* Stop buying bottled water; use tap instead

* Buy in bulk (rice, tomato/pasta sauces, coffee, etc.)

* Rent movies (I can always wait a month or so until it comes on DVD)

* Use dish towels instead of paper towels

Ruby Red Slippers said...

Great ideas-I only buy store brands-my husband was leary, but I made him do a taste test on some things...and it worked!
Gloria also has great ideas, too!

Karen said...

Hi Denise - I'm doing some of the same things - mostly trying to limit my driving and not to eat out too much (good for our health anyway!)

One extra thing I'm doing this year is planting a garden. Not everything I once did, but some of my favorites. For the last few years, I've relied on my wonderful neighbor to give me his extra veggies. This year, I'm not gonna wait! I'll post some on my blog as it progresses.

Aimee said...

not eating out is the biggie. Luckily, I like to cook and actually am pretty good at eat, so we eat well at home with cheap ingredients. It doesn't save much to eat at home if you buy processed, pre-packaged stuff. You gotta start with lentils and rice! We also save money by shopping for secondhand clothes and looking for big ticket items (appliances, etc) on craigslist before we head to the store.

EveryoneThinksThey'reGoodDrivers said...

I've started making homemade bread and that has saved some, cooking at home is huge!

Casseroles are a good money saver too - if you are a person that eats leftovers.

Making sure air is in your tires, air filter is clean - saves on fuel.

Unplugging appliances when not in use also saves. Unbelievably, when they are plugged in, even if they aren't in use or turned on they are still using electricity!

Electronic bill pay saves on stamps and envelopes.

Hydrogen peroxide is a great cleaner, you can also use it as a mouthwash.

Great topic!

Anonymous said...

from Joanne -

* instead of buying mouthwash use warm salt water to rinse. Dentist said it's better for your gums and will cancel out any bacteria

Ms. Tee said...

I've been buying store brands whenever possible, and we also buy thinks in bulk when we can. :)
Oh, and get dvds/movies from the library. :)

Anonymous said...

Great blog idea! Biggest money savings for me lately is eating at home more and putting off or canceling vacations.

Erin said...

I laughed SO loud when I read that you were canceling cable when the Biggest Loser is over (I'm doing the same thing when the same show is over). :)